About Brian Saber
President of Asking Matters
Brian has spent his entire career ASKING for money for non-profits. From his early days as a student leader and telethon caller (!) to his six years in charge of major and principal gifts throughout the Midwest for Brandeis University, to his two stints as an executive director, every position involved significant face-to-face solicitation. And he is still honing that art today, cultivating and soliciting select major donors for various clients.
Brian harnessed all that frontline experience to become a sought-after trainer, coach, and consultant around the country and abroad. His work is transformative. He develops major gift programs, conducts campaign feasibility studies, creates training courses, and coaches top-level staff, taking organizations to the next level.
Having spent most of his career with organizations having budgets under $10 million, Brian is well aware of the fundraising challenges smaller organizations face. He knows most organizations can’t afford consulting services, or even a half-day training by a professional. It’s just not in the budget.
With that perspective, Brian created a resource that all non-profits could afford. With his cofounder, Andrea Kihlstedt, Brian built Asking Matters – a web-based company that trains people how to ask for money and motivates them to do it! As the least expensive and best quality resource in the field, he promises Asking Matters will help countless organizations continue to do incredible work for their causes.
Learn more about Asking Matters in the video, or contact us if you have any questions!
- Archdiocese of Los Angeles
- American Institute of Architects of New York
- ALS Association
- Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation
- CityClub
- Mystic Aquarium and Institute for Exploration
- National Dance Institute
- National Public Radio
- National School Boards Association
- Northwestern University Settlement
- Open Hand Chicago
- Prevent Child Abuse America
- Sideshow Theatre Company
- Social Venture Partners International
- Staten Island Arts
- The Artist Book Foundation
- Volunteer Lawyers Project of the Brooklyn Bar Assoc.
- AFP Westchester
- Adventist Health Glendale Foundation
- American Society of Botanical Artists
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Green America
- JVS Detroit
- Lambda Legal
- League of Chicago Theaters
- Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- Overlook Hospital Foundation
- Putnam Museum
- Staten Island Not for Profit Conference
- Torah Umesorah Presidents Conference
- Salvation Army National Community Relations & Fundraising Conference
- Snug Harbor
- Staten Island Not for Profit Conference
- United States Olympics Committee