Guest Post for fitRaise: You’ve Got Lots of Donors – Now What?!
by Brian Saber
Just as with direct mail, phonathons, and other broad-based fundraising appeals, the key is figuring out which of these donors might become your long-term, major gift donors. How do you get them to continue giving and how do you get them to increase their giving over time?
Read MoreCar Buying is Sales – Fundraising is Relationships
by Brian Saber
Those of us in the fundraising world know we’re not in sales, yet everyone outside our world seems to think that’s what we’re about, to our detriment. It only took one visit to a car showroom to underscore the difference. . . and to make me wonder how anyone could possibly think these two worlds were even remotely aligned.
Read MoreDonors Aren’t One-Night Stands
by Brian Saber
Maintaining genuine relationships with donors while still putting your job first isn’t an easy task. How about you? Are you friends with donors? How have you managed that? I’d love to hear from you.
Read MoreFellow Introverts – You Rock!
by Brian Saber
56% of all Asking Style Assessment takers get Primary Asking Style results of Kindred Spirit or Mission Controller, the introverted Styles. Yet everyone thinks of extroverts when they think of fundraisers. What’s going on here?
Read More“I Won’t Give You Anything – Ever!”
by Brian Saber
After the great enigma of determining what to ask for, figuring out when to stop asking must be the next greatest enigma. Do we stop if our donors don’t call us back? If they tell us they won’t give this year? If they say they are supporting other causes? What constitutes a flat-out, permanent “no”?!
Read MoreWhy Doesn’t Your Board Give Personally Significant Gifts?
by Brian Saber
It starts with that first meet and greet. You’ve got a “hot” prospect for the board and you’re immediately thinking you’ll do anything to get this person to join. Wrong! Stop right there. It’s a privilege to serve and you only want board members who are passionate about joining.
Read MoreCan Staff Be Friends With Donors?!
by Brian Saber
Maintaining genuine relationships with donors while still putting your job first isn’t an easy task. How about you? Are you friends with donors? How have you managed that? I’d love to hear from you.
Read MoreDon’t Assume… Ask!
by Brian Saber
How many times have you been in meetings with circular discussions about whether it’s time to ask a prospect for a gift? Stop Assuming! You will never come up with the perfect answer because there’s no way to know the perfect answer without asking the question.
Read MoreWhat I Learned From the Master: Jerry Panas
by Brian Saber
I’ve heard people say the goal is to get into the room no matter what and then try to convince the prospect. I don’t buy that. It’s not about convincing the prospect, rather about giving the prospect the opportunity to affect change. You are only the messenger. This is not sales.
Read MoreGet the Meeting, Get the Gift
by Brian Saber
I’ve heard people say the goal is to get into the room no matter what and then try to convince the prospect. I don’t buy that. It’s not about convincing the prospect, rather about giving the prospect the opportunity to affect change. You are only the messenger. This is not sales.
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