Fundraising Masters – Simone Joyaux
Boards: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!
what you’ll learn:
- Board Leadership – how to develop it or work around the lack of it.
- Board Giving – can any organization thrive today without strong board giving?
- Board “Getting” – can we stop the non-strategic begging we ask them to do and start focusing on the future?
- Can people serve well on multiple boards?
Dynamic and outspoken, Simone is the author of Firing Lousy Board Members and other important books in the field and has worked with more than 500 boards in her illustrious career. Makes sure to visit her Board Development Page and subscribe to her mailing list while you’re there.
Watch this thought-provoking hour webinar all about boards. We’ve also made a Sample Board Member Resource Commitment form and a PDF of the slides available.
For further learning to help you and your board watch our video trainings on Maximize Board Giving and Give, Get or Both?
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